Breaking news CHP has taken action for a temporary raise in the minimum wage. Lastminute news

CHP is preparing to organize a 'Labor Rally' at the end of June to amplify the voices of millions of minimum wage workers who are demanding a mid-year raise. It has been learned that the rally will take place in one of the industrial cities with a high concentration of minimum wage workers.

CHP is preparing to organize an "Labor Rally" at the end of June to voice the concerns of millions of minimum wage workers who are demanding a mid-year raise. It has been learned that the rally will take place in a city with a high population of minimum wage workers.

After the rallies for unemployed teachers, retirees, and tea, CHP is preparing for another rally. The fourth rally organized by CHP, with the participation of party leader Özgür Özel, aims to draw attention to the problems faced by citizens from different segments of society. The "Labor Rally" is planned to be held at the end of June in order to make the demand for a mid-year raise for workers struggling to make a living on minimum wage visible and to organize social pressure on the government to make a mid-year raise decision before July 1st.
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