Breaking Houthi Group Claims It Targeted British Oil Ship In Red Sea SonDakika-Haberleri.Net

CENTCOM reports 4 anti ship ballistic missiles launched from Houthi controlled areas of Yemen into Red Sea.

The Yemeni Houthi group said Saturday that it targeted a British oil ship in the Red Sea with missiles.

"Yemeni naval forces targeted a British oil ship (POLLUX) in the Red Sea with a large number of suitable naval missiles," group spokesperson Yahya Saree said in a statement.

"The hit was precise and direct," he added.

Saree stressed that "military operations in the Red and Arabian Seas against Israeli shipping or those heading to the ports of occupied Palestine will continue until the aggression against Palestinian people stops and the siege is lifted."

In response, the US Central Command, or CENTCOM, announced on X that "four anti-ship ballistic missiles" were launched from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen." They were "assessed that at least three of the missiles were launched towards commercial vessel MT Pollux, a Panamanian-flagged, Denmark-owned, Panamanian-registered vessel."

CENTCOM noted that there were no reported injuries or damage to the MT Pollux or other ships in the area.

"Additionally, between the hours of p.m. and p.m., CENTCOM successfully conducted two self-defense strikes against one mobile anti-ship cruise missile and one mobile unmanned surface vessel (USV) in Yemen," it said.

"CENTCOM identified the mobile missile and USV in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen and determined it presented an imminent threat to U.S. Navy ships and merchant vessels in the region."

The Houthis have targeted vessels in the Red Sea, in particular, those bound for Israel.

The group said the attacks are to pressure Israel to halt its deadly onslaught on the Gaza Strip. The attacks have prompted the US and Britain to launch retaliatory airstrikes against Houthi targets inside Yemen.

The Red Sea is one of the world's most frequently used sea routes for oil and fuel shipments.

*Writing by Ikram Kouachi and Rania Abu Shamala -
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